Social Media Strategy

In order to drive downloads of my app Homi, I decided to create 2 social media accounts to raise awareness. Both of them have links to the landing page where you can download the app. I chose Facebook, as everybody is on it, but also because when I interviewed my users, most of them said … Continue reading Social Media Strategy

What is Digital Marketing?

Marketing campaigns have evolved greatly during the past decades. While they mainly started out as print ads (as early as 1472, according to Infolinks), they then evolved into radio ads, TV ads, and finally internet ads. Internet ads are what we call Digital Marketing. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, "Digital Marketing is the use of digital … Continue reading What is Digital Marketing?

React App’s Application Development

As seen in the previous articles, React is all about components that interact with each other. This app is split in the following way: the Header at the very top App, the main container, fetches the data from the API, and renders : the SearchBar which allows the user to search for recipes. the RecipeList (which renders … Continue reading React App’s Application Development

React App’s Requirements & Functional Specification

This term at school, we have a new project: create a Single Page Application using React. WHAT'S REACT? React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces using small, isolated and reusable pieces of code called components. I have actually previously written an article introducing React and JSX here. To find out more about React: … Continue reading React App’s Requirements & Functional Specification

Conventions and Patterns in UI design

What are conventions and design patterns? They are basically a description of best practices when it comes to user interface design. They are a selection of "good solutions" developed over the years by experienced designers, based on what users have found convenient or likeable. An example that's easy to understand would be the one of … Continue reading Conventions and Patterns in UI design

Introduction to React and JSX

React is a JavaScript library. It lets you compose complex user interfaces from small, isolated and reusable pieces of code called components. To give you a basic example of what it looks like: ReactDOM.render( <h1>Hello, world!</h1>, document.getElementById('root') );   A basic unit of JSX is called a JSX element. Here's an example of a JSX element: … Continue reading Introduction to React and JSX